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QoA Adonis


Updated: Jun 22, 2021

Look at that design! It's the Adonis from QoA that we are looking at today!

Today we are looking at another IEM from QoA. These were sent by our friends at QoA for the purpose of the review. I am not affiliated with them in any way and my opinion of the Adonis will remain unbiased. The Adonis can be purchased at authorized sellers of QoA like hifigo.


Now lets talk about the build and isolation. These are probably one of the best builds that QoA has ever made. They have gone with a wood shell with a UV resin faceplate. They are sort of round I guess? I didn't have any issues with the fit. They isolate pretty well for a vented IEM. I have gone with their black stock tips by the way. If I can nit pick about something, I wouldn't say they were very well finished off. Upon closer inspection, dents can be seen in the finishing which I would assume is caused by bubbles in the resin and when the bubbles rise to the top, they pop and hence cause the dents in the finishing. From far they aren't noticeable so that should not worry you to much. I think the paint peeling issue with the sister company Kinera's Freya is more serious than the Adonis.


The packaging is rather extravagant. They never fail to impress me with their packaging.

You get quite a lot of accesorries as well. 6 pairs of tips, a stock cable, an apple dongle, a blue leather case, and foam tips.

The Adonis is fitted tightly into the foam cut out so no need for you to worry about them being bumped about in there.

To be honest, I wasn't really a fan of the blue tips cause I thought they looked weird but they work well I guess. But I preferred the black ones instead.

QoA said "The QoA Adonis features a high-purity silver-plated copper cable with universal 0.78mm 2-pin connectors. The silver-plated wire conductor reduces the loss in sound signal during transmission and provides low internal resistance to the audio signal. It has a 3.5mm gold-plated termination plug." It is a good cables, but I didn't exactly think it went well with the cable initially. Will get to that later when we talk about the sound.

It came with an lightning adapter as well which I find rather useless. I mean even apple is making the switch to type C connectors as you would probably know if you are keeping up with their product line. Their latest computers use type C now.

This is probably my favorite leather case so far. It just looks appealing to me.


These have great treble extension. Relaxed mids, and well textured bass. They are rather balanced across the frequency spectrum with a slight boost in the upper treble. Soundstage os relatively wide and has great depth. Imaging and instrument placement is also good.


It has got great texture and when a very low note is needed, it is able to produce it with ease. It excels in terms of mid-bass as well and it is tight and fast. The bass also rolls off very naturally. I wouldn't think this would be pleasing to bass-heads but it should please most people in general.


Emphasis is put on the lower midrange here. Midrange is some what forward sounding and very well detailed. Vocals are clear and they shine especially with male vocals. Everything sounds natural and I couldn't have asked for more. Midrange here is done to perfection.(My definition of perfection means it fits my preferences perfectly. Sound is subjective so it may not be appreciated by some so I'd recommend you give it a listen.)


The treble is very detailed and hi-hats and cymbals sound crisp and clear. There is a slight peak in the upper treble but after burn in, the harshness seems to disappear. That is the reason why I did not the stock cable initially but I have to admit that the stock cable is what brings out the best in the Adonis and I have come to appreciate it.

Instrument placement is rather precise and accurate. Soundstage is also rather wide and it has got a good depth and height as well.

With different tips, you can adjust the sound signature of the Adonis as well. With foam tips, you would get a more heavy bass. Silicon tips would have a much more detailed sound.

The QoA Adonis is possibly the best IEM that has come to Earphonatics Audio Reviews this year. (Long year ahead but considering the amount of releases so far, it's probably one of the top few.)


There's a lot of nice things to say from the appearance of the Adonis to the sound. I don't think I was able to cover everything as there is a really really long list but I probably covered most. I will try to go through it as I make comparisons with other IEMs. Once again thanks QoA for sending us this wonderful IEM to review. We are supporting you and look forward to your future releases!



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