Within the Ornate Audio Lilac, it holds something way more appealing to the ears than the appealing looks of a Lilac flower to a persons eyes.

Oh man I was waiting for today for so long. I was really excited about this cable in particular.
These cables were sent to me by Ornate Audio for a review. My opinion will be unbiased and remain as honest and transparent as possible. I will not make bold claims that these cables will have significant changes in the sound quality or improve your IEM. It varies from IEM to IEM so please do not assume that whatever is written here will be reflected in your personal usage. At the end of the day, sound is a very subjective topic. Some may not be able to notice certain things that are different while some can. With that, I will continue with the review.
I believe last week I have already given a introduction of Ornate Audio. To sum it up, they are basically a bunch of really cool audio enthusiasts and they decided to start building cables. But for a relatively new brand to this industry, they have taken cable making to the next level.
Build quality:
Again for the Lilac, they have decided to go with something very different from the original 8 core braiding styles. I am very good with my hands and have a reputation among my friends because I can replicate almost any braiding just by looking at it. However with the Lilac, it was a whole new story. I think I know how it was done, but at the same time I wasn't sure. I had very conflicting thoughts. Anyways, because of this braiding style, their cables are much thinner than regular 8 core cables. They are also impossible to tangle and are very robust. I think I could possibly go rock climbing with it. One small issue though, it is a bit stiff. Because it is stiff, I think the ear hooks will be necessary. Without it, the cable won't go over your ear nicely. But I don't mind that if it means I can use my cable for a longer time.
Their cables connector are also filled with some sort of resin to ensure durability. Please don't pull the Lilac at your ear during usage because it could possibly pull out your ear along with your IEM's. (just kidding but that's how strong and robust they are)
For the Y split it is just what seems like layers of heat shrink but that's fine with me since it does not add as much weight to the cable compared to a metal Y split.

Testing was done over at least 250 hours of listening.

The Lilac pretty much is a overall upgrade from the Wisteria. Performing well and above average in almost every aspect. Now you guys understand why the diagram of the Wisteria was presented that way? It is to show the difference in performance between their entry level cables and high end cables.
According to it, we can see that the Bass is definitely the highlight of this cable. I assumed that this cable would make your IEM more fun sounding and indeed it made my SSR which is rather dull sound more fun. It adds a lot of punch but keeps it well controlled. Has good sub-bass as well and I love it.
This cable also makes the IEM give you something that would sound closer the concert hall kind of surrounding with a relatively wide soundstage that has good height as well.
It also displays great resolution and nice and well detailed highs. It kills harshness in IEM's that come across as harsh and makes it very smooth sounding. It still has got that accuracy as well which is incredible. Brings out the best in your IEMs highs.
I would recommend this cable to those who already have TOTL IEM's and want to push your IEM's to the limits which can go further than the stars.
For the genre of music, this is suitable for almost any genre which means it is a great all rounder. Although mids and soundstage aren't the highlight of this cable, it doesn't mean that it is bad. It's improvement is just not as significant as the other aspects of the cable. There is definitely an expansion in soundstage and vocals do come out smoothly and nicely with lots of clarity.
Overall, this cable gives your bass more punch and rumble with a nice texture with smooth, detailed and delicate sounding highs and mids and particularly increasing amount of resolution in the IEM making it more fun sounding and also making it a great all rounder.
The Lilac is firstly, a definite upgrade from the Wisteria. A great pairing for almost any IEM. Can see a lot of brainstorming, discussion and effort put into the designing and building of the cable.
Well done Ornate Audio!